Sometimes I feel like a broken record, that I continuously repeat myself, that each of these musings always return to the same concluding thought, each woven with the same thread, tying them together in what I aspire is a complete tapestry of my thoughts, my desires. Although, I think I’m really like a dragon who is just obsessed with one jewel, and thus my musings are my observations of beholding different facets of my fascination, my muse. Unfortunately, if I am repeating myself, if I am ...
Embracing Our Darkness
The most difficult challenge, our most vile villain, we will ever face is our own darkness, our own souls. Will we cower and be driven mad, unable to accept our propensity for evil? Or will we arise, overcome, and accept ourselves for who we are? Will we love ourselves, not solely in spite of, but also including our darkness? Embracing one's darkness is accepting your flaws, weaknesses, wrongdoings, etc. which have caused you and others pain. Does this acceptance mean we allow ...
Why is the Romance Gone?
What's that saying, "Whatever happened to romance?" I ask because in the past few months, I've read several novels –– the majority being teen fantasy (What? I like it) –– and I'm shocked at the lack of romance. Astounded, really. Flabbergasted. Sure, there are a few of the novels I've read which have romantic subplots. I'm also reading a very specific genre, and I have not read that many books. However, and I could be utterly wrong, even with the little bit of romance in this handful of ...
There is something I need to confess. (And it won’t be brief. #sorrynotsorry) It’s nothing terrible. In fact, it could be wonderful. It’s just that it is very difficult because it is something so intrinsic to my soul I keep it close, hidden away, protected. However, if any of you have noticed on my homepage, I quote the dear C. S. Lewis, of blessed memory, who once said, “Nothing that you have not given away will ever really be yours.” Like everything else I do, I strategically chose such a ...
What’s New
Well, here we are! Yes, this is it. This is all I've been leading up to for the post month and longer. While at a first glance it might not seem like a lot, what you'll soon come to find in the next few days, weeks, and hopefully months are the steps I'm taking in pursuing this career of writing full-time. (For more information on what I mean by this, check out my more in-depth post here.) That said, here's what's new and what will be coming in the near future: New self-hosted ...