Please note: this post may contain affiliate links for products I recommend. If you make a purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. It should come as no surprise to some that I am doing a third part in this series. I'm no stranger to it. Being as passionate as I am about high fantasy, choosing to devote myself to pursuing a career out of writing within said genre, my convictions ...
writing community
The Case to Redefine High Fantasy: What is Epic?
Please note: this post may contain affiliate links for products I recommend. If you make a purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A few days ago, when speaking with a new friend, she mentioned how her manuscript is not an epic fantasy like Tolkien, but more mild. While I understood her differentiation, her use of Tolkien's works as the litmus to test the intensity of epicness within ...
Where’s Lynn?
Hello, all! It's been a while; more than a while. I should probably take this moment to at least give you a bit of an update. Hubs and I just celebrated two years of marriage last month. (Two years! Can you believe it?!) I've inevitably switched to drinking tea instead of coffee on the regular like the anglophile that I am. Currently, I'm unemployed, and you know how the hubs developed epilepsy in 2020? Well, last year, we found out my sister is narcoleptic. Crazy, right? Thus, what ...
To Write, To Dream
As an aspiring novelist, I've been told that I use my writing to isolate myself from the world, to escape, to hide, etc. etc. While all of those accusations may be true, to whatever degree, as I recently pathetically bemoaned the potential of having to return to working at the office of my "day job" instead of remotely, at home, which I love and prefer and would do (almost) anything to maintain on a permanent basis---I had a thought. Call it an epiphany if you will, but let's at least ...
An Erev Shabbat Story
It’s Erev Shabbat, and I’ve just said goodbye to my husband who left for work, leaving me to watch the Dawn as I drink my tonic of coffee. Soon I’ll be going to the DMV for some much needed name changing...stuff, cleaning our home, get my hands covered in dough kneading challah, cooking dinner, preparing myself — all in anticipation of greeting the Sabbath. Except now as I sit in the stillness, I need to find silence. I need to quiet my soul. It is the month of Elul, a time of ...