It's been 6 weeks since I became engaged. There are 9 weeks and two days until I get married, and what a journey it has thus been. What began as a bit of bumpy, albeit sometimes scary, ride has turned into the most stunning, breathtaking, miraculous quest I've ever endeavored. When we became engaged on Labour Day weekend, I knew we only had 3-4 weeks until the High Holy Days, which would halt most, if not all, wedding planning. It should because our focus should be on Hashem during ...
I’m Engaged!
Yes, you read that title correctly: I'm engaged, and yes, definitely to be married! (As Charlotte Lucas said, "Is there any other kind?") I know, I can't believe it either. It's strange, bizarre, weird but it's wonderful, exciting, terrifying, thrilling; years of dreaming, hoping, wishing, anticipating all, AT LAST, coming true! Even though it's been a week since my engagement, I still have moments of incredulous euphoria as I stop to ponder, consider the miracle that it is. Of course, ...