Truth does not equate Belief. Sometimes you can choose to believe in something in spite of the Truth, not because you are denying the Truth, but rather because you know the Truth is not the only reality which could be. Meaning, there is a Truth beyond what already exists, a prolepsis if you will. Often, too often I think, people confuse Truth and Belief, assuming the two to be interchangeable, synonymous aspects like two sides to the same coin. Though Truth usually inspires Belief, Belief ...
Fairy Tales Exist
I want to follow up with expounding on something from yesterday’s post, especially since I know I probably won’t write for a while with the holidays coming. As I have written before, I’ve faced many hardships in life, most of which were tragic, unexpected, and left me coping, alone, in a wake of undue trauma. That’s just my story. I didn’t write it. However, I have the capability of either playing the Leading Lady or taking a back seat like the Best Friend in this tale of Life. I think I ...