Please note: this post may contain affiliate links for products I recommend. If you make a purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Last week, I committed myself to providing consistent content, which will come in either one of two forms: Regular musings of moi;Book reviews. I also committed to publishing said content on a biweekly basis, or every other week. As such---after ...
An Ode to INTJs
INTJs. They’re known as the stereotypical mysterious, scheming villain; albeit cocky know-it-alls, too. However, those two caricatures (and others) of this type couldn’t be more wrong. The two closest people in my life are INTJs: my sister and my best friend. (I’m also certain my rabbi is too…) As such, I think I know this type rather well. Sure, it might be a biased perspective, but I don’t think these intuitive thinking types get the real, truthful credit they deserve. Too often their ...