It’s been a rough—weird—week. I don’t know about you, but I’ve felt like I haven’t been able to just be still; to sit and let myself expel the pent up pressures, to release the tears that need to flow, to enjoy the quiet of the morning, to allow myself to just be. You would think I’d remember to do it on Shabbat, but even that has become a day of “work” due to specific obligations, sacrifices, required of me for now. So much of my life right now is dictated by Time, I am trapped between ...
Introduction to Shabbat (and Me!)
Hello! You're either here because you regularly read my blog, or better yet, you're a fellow Pitch Wars applicant like myself participating in their PWPoePrompts for the next month. However you found your way here---welcome! I'm glad you did! As I already said earlier on Twitter, I'm a textbook INFJ, married to my best friend and fellow goofball, and I've been a vegetarian since 23 July 2008, so that's what...13 years? You can read more about me throughout this website or on my about me ...
Respect My Time
I’ve had a startling epiphany. Last night, I was in a meeting which was supposed to last at the most one hour. It lasted three. At about two hours into the meeting, I shut down. Emotionally. I couldn’t allow myself to indulge the rage and indignation I felt rising, swelling within me. Sure, I managed to engage conceptually for the remainder of the meeting, but the longer it elapsed, the less I presented and the more I retracted into myself. Afterwards, as I retrospectively sifted ...