I realise this a bit of a change from the bi-monthly reviews I write. However, between tweaking my new website and reading new material, I realised I neglected to write a few reviews in addition to needing to write my bi-monthly update. Thus, we’re going to break from tradition a bit. The following reviews are for two series I’ve read. And as always, spoilers! Malediction Trilogy by Danielle L. Jensen I stumbled across this series thanks to Elise Kova, who was instagramming about ...
Why is the Romance Gone?
What's that saying, "Whatever happened to romance?" I ask because in the past few months, I've read several novels –– the majority being teen fantasy (What? I like it) –– and I'm shocked at the lack of romance. Astounded, really. Flabbergasted. Sure, there are a few of the novels I've read which have romantic subplots. I'm also reading a very specific genre, and I have not read that many books. However, and I could be utterly wrong, even with the little bit of romance in this handful of ...
The Original Cinderella
Do you know what begins tonight?! Purim! Okay, so I realise some of you may not know what Purim is, which is sad because I think you’re missing out. Purim is first and foremost a Jewish holiday. People describe it as being a cross between Halloween and Mardi Gras, which is somewhat accurate. We dress up in costumes, wear masks, eat these funny-named triangular cookies called Hamantaschen (yum!), and even get ourselves a little tipsy. (Okay, so some of the Rabbis say we should get so ...
Valentine Ideals
Yes, my mind is full of musings this morning. It usually is, but I decided to write more of them than usual today. I’m sure none of you need me to remind you what today is: it’s Ash Wednesday! (A-ha, gotcha!) Actually, it’s both Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day, but I’m going to address the latter, not the former as I jokingly indicated. Of course, I don’t really want to. I’m not a fan of the day, nor do I want to be adding to the noise. However, no one knows my perspective, so I might ...
What’s on My Shelf: November-December
Well, I've finally finished the last book on my list. That means it must be time for another post! The past two months I've been reading a lot more than just the ones I'll list. I've been diving back into my mythology studies, so I've been focusing on indulging in different collections instead of reading pure novels. However, one anthology I will mention later on just because I'm that excited about it. And remember, SPOILERS AHEAD! Within the Sanctuary of Wings by Marie Brennan As I ...