We're back this week with another Jean Meltzer special, this time in the form of a hunky golem (maybe). It's Magical Meet Cute! After an antisemitic attack, Faye---a former lawyer turned ceramicist living in Upstate New York---gets drunk and makes her perfect man out of clay inspired by the golem stories of old. But when a stranger walks in front of her bicycle the next day, leading to a horrible crash and amnesia for the poor guy, she wonders just how much magic she conjured the night ...
WOMS: The Gentleman’s Gambit
There are few books, especially works of fiction, I read where I desire to annotate little notes or underline sentences because of how deeply they resonate with me. I can only think of five books where I have done so, and they are my five most favourite and beloved novels. I have now read another I would add to that list. Evie Dunmore's The Gentleman's Gambit possessed every bit of charm and passion as her other books in her League of Extraordinary Women series. However, this book felt ...
The Terrible & the Beautiful
While we were away, attending my sister-in-law's wedding, there was one moment from that entire experience which resonated with me the most having now returned to my "normal" life. It was the night before the wedding. Another set of family members had arrived to find their awaiting accommodations in the cabin we all stayed at infested with ladybugs. In the chaos of trying to find them alternative accommodations, especially as the evening drew to a close with the final moments of preparation ...
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I think it’s desperation. Maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, or an unattractive perspective. After all, are we not enough on our own, a whole person without need of another to complete us? Why then is there this agonising desperation that comes along when someone you’re close to—whether spouse or friend—is missing? If we are complete, why feel the sting of loss? Why desire? Why need? Why love? These musings come to me after enduring ...
Pizza in the Rain Pt. III
Haven't read parts I or II? Click here to read before continuing on! I trembled as Justin pulled into the driveway. At last. Daniel burst out the doors and onto dry land without a second thought; Kevin glanced at us still in the front seats before following after him. They had the pizza. I sat still clutching my ginger beers before Justin nudged me again to get me to come inside. Reluctantly, I slunk out the vehicle and into the warm house where I hoped to bundle up and get cozy ...