Believe me, I did not intend on writing a three-part series about Raging INFJs. However, days later as I muse on what I've written, I find there is more to say. Always. You see, letting go of someone or door slamming them usually results in pain. Few times does it result from something good, mutual, beneficial. But saying goodbye? That's just the opposite. Saying goodbye occurs when two parties realise one or both of their lives are diverting, and the path they have walked either ...
The Greatest is Love
Truth does not equate Belief. Sometimes you can choose to believe in something in spite of the Truth, not because you are denying the Truth, but rather because you know the Truth is not the only reality which could be. Meaning, there is a Truth beyond what already exists, a prolepsis if you will. Often, too often I think, people confuse Truth and Belief, assuming the two to be interchangeable, synonymous aspects like two sides to the same coin. Though Truth usually inspires Belief, Belief ...