I'm back momentarily to share one quick update, and something I recently learned which may help you as much as it has helped me by boosting my confidence about Life interrupting what is important to me over these last few years. In one of my recent sessions, my therapist and I were discussing ways to help communicate my needs during this time of learning about my autism since my diagnosis, and how to establish my boundaries more firmly with different areas which might demand more from me than ...
A Different Perspective
I'm going through this pre-pre-marital counselling with my rabbi and rebbetzin right now, and one of the first steps in the process is taking this infamous Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis. Apparently, it's suppose to be great for couples and relationships because of its unique cross-examination feature. No, it is not a compatibility test. My opinion is it focuses on behavioural patterns, and thus how you relate to another person or are perceived by another; hence why its focus is aimed ...