I'm going through this pre-pre-marital counselling with my rabbi and rebbetzin right now, and one of the first steps in the process is taking this infamous Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis. Apparently, it's suppose to be great for couples and relationships because of its unique cross-examination feature. No, it is not a compatibility test. My opinion is it focuses on behavioural patterns, and thus how you relate to another person or are perceived by another; hence why its focus is aimed ...
personality types
An Ode to INTJs
INTJs. They’re known as the stereotypical mysterious, scheming villain; albeit cocky know-it-alls, too. However, those two caricatures (and others) of this type couldn’t be more wrong. The two closest people in my life are INTJs: my sister and my best friend. (I’m also certain my rabbi is too…) As such, I think I know this type rather well. Sure, it might be a biased perspective, but I don’t think these intuitive thinking types get the real, truthful credit they deserve. Too often their ...