Well I can finally sit down and write out my review of Lynn Kurland's final installment of the first trilogy in her Nine Kingdoms series, Princess of the Sword. (So much for batch-writing and consistency. Maybe in an upcoming post I'll share the utter insanity that has been my life the past eight weeks, but anyway...onwards!) This series has been a delight, and this finale was no exception. I tend to be a second book person. It's the middle installments where the juicy backstories and ...
The time has finally arrived: something I wrote is being published! As some of you may recall, I mentioned how I graduated from a little program where I obtained my certificate in written storytelling through the Story Center in partnership with Metropolitan Community College. What I hinted at, though, and can finally share in full details, is that as a graduate, they will be publishing my short story, which I was required to write as a part of my coursework, through their imprint [Woodneath ...
Coexisting in Harmony
The sages teach us that beauty is found within the balance of mercy and judgement; when gevurah is balanced with chesed, there is tiferet. Beauty exists in their harmony. This is a Kabbalistic understanding of how three of the ten sefirot---or emanations of the Divine essence, of the Infinite [Ein Sof]---are manifested within the world. To define what this beauty, what tiferet, is would take me much longer than this blog post will allow. (Good thing I wrote a fantasy novel to explore it ...
WOMS: The Mage’s Daughter
I'm angry (livid really), but instead of kvetching about my day job I loathe and how today's experiences confirmed some of my worst fears about my precarious position, or worse, raging about COVID since I'm still recovering from a recent bout---I'm going to gush about a book whose heroine refuses to stop being herself, no matter what changes or challenges she faces, because I need to be reminded that though I might not be able to solve my problems with a sword (and oh, how that would be SO much ...
An Opportunity for Heroism
Read until the end for a special announcement! Life has a funny way of knocking you down as soon as you pick yourself back up. The trick, though, or rather the goal, is to never stop getting back up, no matter how many times you're knocked down. Staying down means giving in, and giving in means accepting failure as your only fate. I realise most of us know this. If anything, I'm ranting to a mirror because this is what my soul needs to be reminded of after what happened last ...