While we were away, attending my sister-in-law's wedding, there was one moment from that entire experience which resonated with me the most having now returned to my "normal" life. It was the night before the wedding. Another set of family members had arrived to find their awaiting accommodations in the cabin we all stayed at infested with ladybugs. In the chaos of trying to find them alternative accommodations, especially as the evening drew to a close with the final moments of preparation ...
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I think it’s desperation. Maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, or an unattractive perspective. After all, are we not enough on our own, a whole person without need of another to complete us? Why then is there this agonising desperation that comes along when someone you’re close to—whether spouse or friend—is missing? If we are complete, why feel the sting of loss? Why desire? Why need? Why love? These musings come to me after enduring ...
At Last
We did it. We got married. I still can't believe it. It's strange returning to the real world after such bliss, especially when our bliss lingers. I find myself simultaneously easing back into my familiar routine, picking up where I left off, yet also finding these new surprises and changes along the way. Sure, I admit sometimes they're frustrating, but either I'm still too drugged on these newlywed endorphins for them to last or the truth is something much more simple: being married is ...
The Next Chapter
Well, this Sunday is the wedding, and thus begins my married life. To say I was excited would be an outrageous understatement. Nervous and maybe a tinge of frantic could also be possible additions, but no, I do not think excited quite encapsulates my feelings with precision. So what am? What am I feeling? What am I thinking? To be honest, as I sit here looking at the past 4 months of engagement, and then the past 2 years of dating, I’ve felt so many feelings, cried so many tears, ...
I’m Engaged!
Yes, you read that title correctly: I'm engaged, and yes, definitely to be married! (As Charlotte Lucas said, "Is there any other kind?") I know, I can't believe it either. It's strange, bizarre, weird but it's wonderful, exciting, terrifying, thrilling; years of dreaming, hoping, wishing, anticipating all, AT LAST, coming true! Even though it's been a week since my engagement, I still have moments of incredulous euphoria as I stop to ponder, consider the miracle that it is. Of course, ...