Do you know what begins tonight?! Purim! Okay, so I realise some of you may not know what Purim is, which is sad because I think you’re missing out. Purim is first and foremost a Jewish holiday. People describe it as being a cross between Halloween and Mardi Gras, which is somewhat accurate. We dress up in costumes, wear masks, eat these funny-named triangular cookies called Hamantaschen (yum!), and even get ourselves a little tipsy. (Okay, so some of the Rabbis say we should get so ...
It's been one year, 257 days, and 11 hours as I write this since I arrived in the land of Israel, ארץ ישראל, and probably about one year, 246 days, and 11 hours since I returned (if my math is correct). And I'm homesick. It ebbs and flows, this longing of my soul, to return to the one place in this entire world I truly, deeply know I belong. Sometimes the longing is overwhelming, pouring from my aching soul through my tears. Other times, it is merely a sense of consciousness that ...
Restoring Jerusalem
Today, something very important is going to happen. I say “very important”. Let me rephrase… Dramatic. Significant. Epical. Necessary. Vital. Historical. I could keep going by merely opening a thesaurus and just picking any word that relates to “important”, for you see today something wonderful is going to happen, something which we have been waiting for a long time. President Trump is going to announce his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel. Now, before I ...
With the Jewish holiday season nearing its end, I'm dreading the return to the arbitrary reality of monotony awaiting me. The reality of life becoming again a incessant cycle of sleep and work, sleep and work, sleep and work. Sometimes I feel trapped in the wheel of Time, a slave to his whims. However, if there's one thing the holidays teach us, remind us it's that reality is more than the supposed drudgery of daily life, that Time himself is not in control. Reality, life, ...
A Season to Enjoy
Well, I survived. I deserve a t-shirt. Unfortunately, my mind is still a little ferblungered, and thus my musings are not quite so on par. Though, in all actuality, I should not jest too much. I could be verging on sacrilegious, something I’m still not overtly comfortable with. Regardless, I enjoyed myself. I feel refreshed after pouring my soul out like water before Hashem, as the prophet Jeremiah once lamented. And now, it’s time to feast! Seriously, though, besides Chanukkah (yes, ...