Hello! You're either here because you regularly read my blog, or better yet, you're a fellow Pitch Wars applicant like myself participating in their PWPoePrompts for the next month. However you found your way here---welcome! I'm glad you did! As I already said earlier on Twitter, I'm a textbook INFJ, married to my best friend and fellow goofball, and I've been a vegetarian since 23 July 2008, so that's what...13 years? You can read more about me throughout this website or on my about me ...
Etched in Gold
Seven weeks ago, I mailed my wedding ring back to Israel. After wearing it for roughly eighteen months, I had come to finally admit it was too tight. In fact, I had finally reached the point where it was too painful to wear. I learned after meeting with a local jeweler, whoever sized me before we even bought our wedding rings sized me improperly, and I needed one whole size larger! Saddened, I knew the only way I could continue to wear the band I had grown so attached to was to contact the ...
Wind & Fire
I want to be in a place where they paint their roofs and doors and graves the blue of sky. Though it may be to confuse the evil eye, it helps me feel at one with the stars in the heavens above. There is such effortless beauty to be found in that expanse. If my soul is like fire, if I thrive near the palace of sacrifice, then maybe my spirit is like wind, for I need it to breathe, to live. Without wind, there is no fire. To return to such a place brings me back to the beginning, back ...
Remember the Light, Find the Hope
Tonight, as we all prepare to celebrate and light our Chanukkiyot, my husband and I have an extra reason to celebrate; our own Chanukkah miracle you might say. One year ago on the 25th of Kislev, we married. By the graciousness of our rabbi, he let us get married on the first night of Chanukkah! He even suggested instead of a unity candle to light the Chanukkah menorah as our first act together as man and wife. This year—for many, for all—we have endured unprecedented challenges. For ...
One Day
Right now, I should be preparing for Shabbat or Yom Kippur, finalising the service outlines; not that it changes much, if at all, year to year. Technically, I should be working on this info-graphic or running reports for work. Instead, I'm sitting here at work trying not to burst into tears because of the recent news regarding these two poor Jewish boys who were bullied at school for their Jewishness and the man on the subway in NYC. Seeing such blatant hate is disturbing and ...