Three weeks ago, my father was rushed to the hospital due to severe swelling, weeping of the skin, traumatic ulcers, and pain in his left leg. A few days later, he underwent an arterial bypass where they inserted a stent. Essentially, as I confirmed with a RN friend, he had a "heart attack" of the leg. During this time, my main concern other than supporting him by being present as often as I could in the hospital with him was caring for my mentally disabled mother. You know, the one who ...
The time has finally arrived: something I wrote is being published! As some of you may recall, I mentioned how I graduated from a little program where I obtained my certificate in written storytelling through the Story Center in partnership with Metropolitan Community College. What I hinted at, though, and can finally share in full details, is that as a graduate, they will be publishing my short story, which I was required to write as a part of my coursework, through their imprint [Woodneath ...
Coexisting in Harmony
The sages teach us that beauty is found within the balance of mercy and judgement; when gevurah is balanced with chesed, there is tiferet. Beauty exists in their harmony. This is a Kabbalistic understanding of how three of the ten sefirot---or emanations of the Divine essence, of the Infinite [Ein Sof]---are manifested within the world. To define what this beauty, what tiferet, is would take me much longer than this blog post will allow. (Good thing I wrote a fantasy novel to explore it ...
Dayenu: A Pesach Miracle
Remember how a few weeks ago, I shared about how an issue at work had turned sour, so sour it might have even been antisemitic? Well, last week, on Rosh Chodesh Nisan, a miracle occurred. It wasn't a huge miracle; nothing like the splitting of the Red Sea, but it was my miracle. My little miracle, or Hashem's way of telling me everything is going to be okay. I can't reveal everything now, all the wonderful details and how they interconnect, what I can say is, I finally at long last ...
But is it Antisemitism?
The unfortunate hot topic that I feel is incessantly talked about---at least in the circles I'm a part of---is antisemitism. I hope and wish and pray for the day when it isn't talked about at all because it is simply inexistent. However, that isn't the case; not until Moshiach returns. More unfortunate, it is very real and too prevalent and rising, so much so that this past week I endured an experience I have blessedly never encountered, but dreaded would one day come along. How ...