I hadn’t planned on reading The Familiar because the cover creeped me out a bit and I wasn’t sure if it would be too dark for me. How wrong I was. I’m so glad my friend persuaded me to give this a read because it was a heartbreaking, beautiful love story, one only Leigh Bardugo could have written. Though I haven’t read her new Ninth House series, I have read all but one of Bardugo’s Grishaverse books. To me, Bardugo is a superior writer because she has a way of weaving tragedy so humane ...
From Mourning to Joy
This past year is coming to an end, at least on the Jewish calendar, and that means I have been reminiscent, as one does when they assess their lives before the chagim, or holidays. For us, for Israel, this past year has been tinged, if not saturated, with sorrow and grief. Since October 7, our lives have never been the same. There have been days where my grief was near inconsolable, where I wandered through the day like a phantom, feeling more a shadow of myself than anything real or ...
The Hidden Power of Yud
I don't have much to share that I haven't already said in either of my last two blog posts where I both announced the upcoming changes to my blog---to be released later this month---and some changes at my day job, which proved to help amend the distress and attacks I endured earlier last year. (Still feels weird to think it, officially, was last year now.) In fact, I'm not sure I have much to share or say in this new year at all. Not yet, at least. There have been a lot---and I mean, a ...
Good Intentions
This past [Gregorian] year has been one of the more challenging I’ve experienced, and I say that even after my husband’s and sister’s unexpected health issues which transpired and dominated most of 2020 and 2021 for us, respectively. Needless to say, I’ll be thrilled to say goodbye to 2023 this coming December 31. I’m looking forward to 2024 and all it has to offer, especially since 5784 has started off to be a much needed improvement. One of those improvements has come—shockingly—in the ...
Dare to Linger
I miss the kittens. Beyond that I’m thinking and feeling so many different things right now it’s ridiculous. I woke up today [Tuesday] and during my morning commute when I take time to talk with Hashem and prepare for my day, I discovered how enraged I am. What has me particularly perturbed at the moment is the acceptability of "ghosting" in today's culture. It is so degrading to put yourself out there, to be vulnerable, with someone only to receive silence as a response. I know ...