Sorry I’ve been out of touch recently. The past few weeks have been rather stressful, and I’ve been focusing all my energy into fighting those proverbial battles. All this stress was actually leading up to a moment for when I was out of town. I returned “home” to Texas for a few days, attending a leadership training conference for my synagogue. Now, if you’re anything like me, the moment you hear any of the aforementioned words (leadership, training, conference), especially combined ...
No One is Alone
I’ve had something on my mind for a while now, but I’m not sure where this musing is going to take me. However, before I begin, let me first say this is purely contemplative. Nothing I’m about to write will be definitive. It could even be discussed, and I am curious what others think. My own thoughts are just one perspective, my observations skewed by my own arbitrary, ontological lenses. That said, I could be wrong, daresay very wrong, about what I’m considering. There are a few themes I ...
An Ode to INTJs
INTJs. They’re known as the stereotypical mysterious, scheming villain; albeit cocky know-it-alls, too. However, those two caricatures (and others) of this type couldn’t be more wrong. The two closest people in my life are INTJs: my sister and my best friend. (I’m also certain my rabbi is too…) As such, I think I know this type rather well. Sure, it might be a biased perspective, but I don’t think these intuitive thinking types get the real, truthful credit they deserve. Too often their ...
An Inherent Longing
I realise recently I’ve been writing rather sappy posts, full of wonder and optimism. However, like any other INFJ, such idealism is usually simultaneously felt with a healthy amount of reality, practicality, or sometimes, I daresay, pessimism. How we are capable of seeing both sides of this coin still baffles even myself. That said, this one might not be as much sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns as my more recent posts. While, yes, my life and its current changes have been breathtakingly ...
Do Not Fret; I am for Me
I realise that last entry was probably a little dark for some of you. Rather raw and self-deprecatingly intrusive if you ask me, but vulnerability is what makes this world of electronic communication thrive, is it not? (There I go being cynical again...) Let me put your mind to ease, though, because I'm sure some of you might be wondering if I am still currently hating myself as I so explicitly implied in my most recent blog post. No, I'm not. In fact, I do not think I ever did. I wrote ...