I’m realising this will be my last post before the New Year on Wednesday, and it might be a few weeks before I post again thanks to the craziness of this holiday season. Now for me, part of getting ready for the New Year includes a much needed haircut because usually I let my tresses go too long without a proper trim, letting it become this unruly mess of wavy curls and subsequent frizz. Unfortunately, my friend and stylist was out of town indefinitely, (probably for a show since he’s ...
A Loss of Innocence
With the current trends in our world, which I doubt I need to pontificate, I find myself contemplating one facet. Possibly with selfish intent, but as I see events like what occurred in Charlottesville and the sequential reactions of not just a nation but the world, I find myself growing introspective, questioning my own loyalties, ideologies, and even aspirations. That’s not to say I agree with anything which occurred. As I said, I’m not actually going to express an opinion, but I will reassure ...