Felicia Grossman has done it again with another fairy tale retelling with her Once Upon the East End series, but this time the twist isn't only the swapped gender roles in her version of Snow White. This week, we're talking all about Wake Me Most Wickedly, and what makes a true villain. Solomon Weiss may have lost the opportunity to marry Isabelle Lira to his more than deserving friend, Aaron Ellenberg, but he managed to walk away as her new business partner. Now he can make true on his ...
fairy tale
WOMS: Marry Me by Midnight
This historical romance has been on my TBR list for a while; since the moment I saw a hunky kippah-wearing man on the front cover. I don't know about you, but most of the time, I forget what's even on my TBR. I'm so glad I remembered this gem and actually picked it up to read because it was so much more than I expected. This week, it's Felicia Grossman's Marry Me by Midnight, a Jewish gender-swapped retelling of Cinderella. Similar to Jean Meltzer's Jewish pride and joy in her romcoms, ...
Gather the Sparks
There is a Jewish fairy tale about how Hashem gathered Himself [Ein Sof] into ten jars or vessels before He created the world. As He spoke those first words, "Let there be light," the ten vessels broke scattering the light of the Ein Sof throughout the physical world. It is now our role to find this light, to find it within ourselves and others, and let it shine to bring glory back to Hashem. I have written before about how I feel and know that it is my role on this Earth to write, ...