As an aspiring novelist, I've been told that I use my writing to isolate myself from the world, to escape, to hide, etc. etc. While all of those accusations may be true, to whatever degree, as I recently pathetically bemoaned the potential of having to return to working at the office of my "day job" instead of remotely, at home, which I love and prefer and would do (almost) anything to maintain on a permanent basis---I had a thought. Call it an epiphany if you will, but let's at least ...
Fairy Tales Exist
I want to follow up with expounding on something from yesterday’s post, especially since I know I probably won’t write for a while with the holidays coming. As I have written before, I’ve faced many hardships in life, most of which were tragic, unexpected, and left me coping, alone, in a wake of undue trauma. That’s just my story. I didn’t write it. However, I have the capability of either playing the Leading Lady or taking a back seat like the Best Friend in this tale of Life. I think I ...