I've been avoiding this for a while now, thinking I wouldn't need to take such measures. However, I've come to accept that the only way forward is to be honest with myself. My creative spirit is broken; distraught with grief. I need to take more time to sit with my pain, to find my creativity again, to let my soul ache and languish the loss of the beautiful life of my uncle. I think I've been trying so hard to press forward, I never stopped to ask myself if I should. My grief has at ...
After the Death
Two days ago in shul we read about the instructions Hashem gave Aharon for what to do after the untimely death of his two sons, Nadav and Avihu. Two days ago, my coworker unexpectedly, suddenly, prematurely died. It's peculiar because the rabbis always discuss how Aharon was silent in the face of his sons' death. However, I wonder if any of them took into consideration how merciful Hashem's instructions are. At face value, when we read the parasha of Acharei Mot it comes across as a cold, ...