I’m sorry for my quiet, my absence, my lack of musings. Life has been unbearably difficult, and I’m constantly battling giving into the inevitable burn-out I dread is coming. Do you ever feel like you’ve given so much already, all that’s left is an automaton version of yourself operating on autopilot? Like you’ve suddenly reached your ultimate capacity of capabilities, your conscious turns off and your unconscious takes control? Do you become terrified when this happens? When you’ve ...
burn out
Respect My Time
I’ve had a startling epiphany. Last night, I was in a meeting which was supposed to last at the most one hour. It lasted three. At about two hours into the meeting, I shut down. Emotionally. I couldn’t allow myself to indulge the rage and indignation I felt rising, swelling within me. Sure, I managed to engage conceptually for the remainder of the meeting, but the longer it elapsed, the less I presented and the more I retracted into myself. Afterwards, as I retrospectively sifted ...