We spend so much time reflecting in preparation for the High Holy Days, I often found myself reflecting throughout the celebrations. Rosh Hashanah came and went without a major glitch, which isn't difficult to do. Often the problem is making sure I get all the food cooked in time whilst making sure I’m still maintaining some sense of the looming New Year approaching in a few hours, that I might greet it with the reverence it deserves. It was on Yom Kippur, though, I noticed the greatest ...
Fighting Cravings
I’m sorry for my quiet, my absence, my lack of musings. Life has been unbearably difficult, and I’m constantly battling giving into the inevitable burn-out I dread is coming. Do you ever feel like you’ve given so much already, all that’s left is an automaton version of yourself operating on autopilot? Like you’ve suddenly reached your ultimate capacity of capabilities, your conscious turns off and your unconscious takes control? Do you become terrified when this happens? When you’ve ...
Get to Know Me: Autumn Inspired
I don't know why I've taken the time to fill this out, but I did. Maybe it's that I'm feeling festive or because I'm bored at work (shh...don't tell my boss), but regardless, here it is. (I tried my best to hold back the snark, but there might be a few exceptions...) Frost -- if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say? Don't give up. Your pain will make you stronger. I promise: it's worth it. All of it. Maple -- Is there a hobby/skill that you’ve always wanted ...
A Season to Enjoy
Well, I survived. I deserve a t-shirt. Unfortunately, my mind is still a little ferblungered, and thus my musings are not quite so on par. Though, in all actuality, I should not jest too much. I could be verging on sacrilegious, something I’m still not overtly comfortable with. Regardless, I enjoyed myself. I feel refreshed after pouring my soul out like water before Hashem, as the prophet Jeremiah once lamented. And now, it’s time to feast! Seriously, though, besides Chanukkah (yes, ...