Too much of "Life" is arbitrary. How we define our ontology must have a foundation, or Life is meaningless. "What is real? What is good? What is beauty? What is truth?" — all these questions, not only their answers, are futile if there exists no predetermined construct. That's our problem with G-d: we don't want to have our own lives predetermined, pre-defined for us. We want to find meaning within ourselves. However, if the Scriptures are true, then we cannot find meaning apart from ...
What’s on my Shelf: Air Awakens Series
Air Awakens, the Complete Series by Elise Kova Where do I begin? Do I begin with the dazzlingly, gripping plot that never lets you go, taking you on an adventure through the lands of the Solaris Empire? Or what about the slow burning romance between the two main characters, the lowly servant girl transformed to savior of the world and the Crown Prince? Maybe how it’s like reading a combination of Cinderella and Avatar: The Last Airbender with subtleties of The Phantom of the Opera? Or the ...
What’s on my Shelf: August
More for my sake than yours, I’ve decided to keep tabs on my current reading list because I like the accountability. Thus, that means I’m going to try out doing a monthly reading list of what’s currently peaked my interested (or otherwise failed to). I may include brief –– albeit my liberal version of the word –– reviews of each books’ contents. That said, below is the first batch off my shelf. ~ A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan If you’ve ever wanted to read a scientist’s ...
A Loss of Innocence
With the current trends in our world, which I doubt I need to pontificate, I find myself contemplating one facet. Possibly with selfish intent, but as I see events like what occurred in Charlottesville and the sequential reactions of not just a nation but the world, I find myself growing introspective, questioning my own loyalties, ideologies, and even aspirations. That’s not to say I agree with anything which occurred. As I said, I’m not actually going to express an opinion, but I will reassure ...
Change: Learning to Embrace the Inevitable
First off, let me start with an apology. I’ve been a little out of touch recently, and it’s all because of one specific reason: I’m moving. Why is a complicated, rather irritating matter. However, I can tell you I’m happy with this change. Very happy indeed. What you don’t know is how shocking of a concept this is. Furthermore, sometimes, such as this time, when I'm experiencing a significant change in my life, I become bizarrely contemplative and introspective, and sometimes I actually take ...
What to Expect
I’m sure by now I’ve probably confused some of my audience for a seemingly lack of focus. Allow me to explain: there is no focus. I realise eclecticism might be a bit of a strategic error on my part. How can one have a successful blog when there are so many? You have to set yourself apart, be unique, and all that other hogwash. Of course, the ones who usually profit have extremely specific focuses, honing on one, two, or maybe even three areas of interest. (The audacity!) However, whenever I ...
SDCC: What You Want to Know – Pt. II
Let’s talk about the one no one saw coming, Thor: Ragnarok. Thor hasn’t exactly had a formidable standalone film compared to the other Avengers (but his brother Loki has had three). That said, obviously he would need to have his own third one, just like the other front runners of the Avengers team. However, I don’t think anyone really cares that much (except for me because, no offense Cap, Loki...err Thor is my favourite). No one seemed to care about his other films, so why care about this ...
SDCC: What You Want to Know – Pt. I
So last week was one of the year’s most epic moments: San Diego Comic Con. At this geek fest, nerds from far and wide across the globe met to declare their love of all things Geek through cosplay, forums, showcases, meet-and-greets, and so much more, but above all, they came for exclusive, sneak-peak footage of all their favourite franchises. Marvel. DC. Star Wars. The list goes on, and far beyond my memory or interests. Disney, the now affluent parent company of Marvel and Star Wars, did ...
Do Not Fret; I am for Me
I realise that last entry was probably a little dark for some of you. Rather raw and self-deprecatingly intrusive if you ask me, but vulnerability is what makes this world of electronic communication thrive, is it not? (There I go being cynical again...) Let me put your mind to ease, though, because I'm sure some of you might be wondering if I am still currently hating myself as I so explicitly implied in my most recent blog post. No, I'm not. In fact, I do not think I ever did. I wrote ...
I’m an INFJ, and I Hate It
Yes, you read that correctly. I said it. I’m an INFJ, and I hate it. I hate that I’m empathetic to a fault, that I absorb other people’s emotions and energies, which throws me completely off-guard and out of sync with myself. I hate that I’m emotional, SUPER emotional. That I can wake up all bouncy, happy-go-lucky, and smiling with an optimistic outlook on life, and then minutes later I see a homeless person begging for food or any form of roadkill during my commute to work, and then I’m ...