Well, this Sunday is the wedding, and thus begins my married life. To say I was excited would be an outrageous understatement. Nervous and maybe a tinge of frantic could also be possible additions, but no, I do not think excited quite encapsulates my feelings with precision. So what am? What am I feeling? What am I thinking? To be honest, as I sit here looking at the past 4 months of engagement, and then the past 2 years of dating, I’ve felt so many feelings, cried so many tears, ...
The Wedding Planning Roller Coaster
It's been 6 weeks since I became engaged. There are 9 weeks and two days until I get married, and what a journey it has thus been. What began as a bit of bumpy, albeit sometimes scary, ride has turned into the most stunning, breathtaking, miraculous quest I've ever endeavored. When we became engaged on Labour Day weekend, I knew we only had 3-4 weeks until the High Holy Days, which would halt most, if not all, wedding planning. It should because our focus should be on Hashem during ...
One Day
Right now, I should be preparing for Shabbat or Yom Kippur, finalising the service outlines; not that it changes much, if at all, year to year. Technically, I should be working on this info-graphic or running reports for work. Instead, I'm sitting here at work trying not to burst into tears because of the recent news regarding these two poor Jewish boys who were bullied at school for their Jewishness and the man on the subway in NYC. Seeing such blatant hate is disturbing and ...
I’m Engaged!
Yes, you read that title correctly: I'm engaged, and yes, definitely to be married! (As Charlotte Lucas said, "Is there any other kind?") I know, I can't believe it either. It's strange, bizarre, weird but it's wonderful, exciting, terrifying, thrilling; years of dreaming, hoping, wishing, anticipating all, AT LAST, coming true! Even though it's been a week since my engagement, I still have moments of incredulous euphoria as I stop to ponder, consider the miracle that it is. Of course, ...
The Daily Struggle
I've noticed on Twitter recently a lot of authors talking about the challenges of being a writer. Myself not being "officially published", I never feel it appropriate to share my own thoughts on the matter. (At least, not on Twitter.) Though there have been many times on this blog I've mentioned how life gets in the way, if I were a reader of my own material, such mentions, excuses, and complaints would grow stale and eventually irritating. "We get it. It's hard. Life sucks. Move ...
Going Back Home
I've heard it said travelling is an excellent way to discover more about yourself and life; to grow, to learn. I think my favourite quote at the moment which reflects this is: You must go on adventures to find out where you truly belong.Sue Fitzmaurice I just returned from visiting family in Texas. I got to see some of my favourite people in some of my favourite places. However, I wouldn't immediately classify my elongated weekend of visiting my older siblings as one of those dramatic ...
Eternity’s Reminder
Where was I last week? What's going on with me? What happened to those WOMS I promised? Let's see... Last week I was sick. This week, I'm feeling better, but I woke up dizzy today, so I'm not certain my mind is functioning at full capacity. I'm in the middle of revisions and going cross-eyed from it, but I think it's one of the best decisions I've made (or rather, one of the best responses an agent has ever given me). The vast majority of my energy is being spent on those, which leaves ...
A Different Perspective
I'm going through this pre-pre-marital counselling with my rabbi and rebbetzin right now, and one of the first steps in the process is taking this infamous Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis. Apparently, it's suppose to be great for couples and relationships because of its unique cross-examination feature. No, it is not a compatibility test. My opinion is it focuses on behavioural patterns, and thus how you relate to another person or are perceived by another; hence why its focus is aimed ...
A Jerusalem Vignette
We had just finished saying our goodbyes to my visiting aunts. I sauntered out of the hotel, and as I exited, watched a couple emptying out of their vehicle. The man's back faced me as he assisted his, I assumed, wife from the back seat, and upon his silver hair sat an obvious black kippah. Observing more closely, I saw they were dressed in their Shabbas clothes -- he in a suit of black with a white shirt and black tie; she in an elegant, floral pencil skirt with a long-sleeved blouse and ...
Don’t Give Up
My heart palpitates as my finger hovers over the SEND button, my palm clammy with a sudden burst of perspiration. "This is it," flashes through my mind, and before I lose my nerve, I tap the screen. Expelling a heavy sigh from years of bent up disappointment, frustration, and whatever minuscule amount of hope remains, I lean back in my chair to relax my racing heart. I've only just sent the beginnings of my revisions for my manuscript to a friend for review. She read the first dreadful, ...