Please note: this post may contain affiliate links for products I recommend. If you make a purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Though I should be sharing my review of Evie Dunmore's most recent League of Extraordinary Women installment, Portrait of a Scotsman, because today is Erev Purim, I've decided to instead share something a bit more Jewish---Rena Rossner's The Light of the ...
The Case to Redefine High Fantasy: What is Epic?
Please note: this post may contain affiliate links for products I recommend. If you make a purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A few days ago, when speaking with a new friend, she mentioned how her manuscript is not an epic fantasy like Tolkien, but more mild. While I understood her differentiation, her use of Tolkien's works as the litmus to test the intensity of epicness within ...
WOMS: A Rogue of One’s Own
Please note: this post may contain affiliate links for products I recommend. If you make a purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. In my last WOMS, I shared about the first book in the League of Extraordinary Women series by Evie Dunmore, Bringing Down the Duke. You may recall I was enthralled by her debut novel which, in agreement with the critics, probably changed the course of ...
WOMS: Bringing Down the Duke
Please note: this post may contain affiliate links for products I recommend. If you make a purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. As promised, here's my first book review after a lengthy hiatus of my WOMS [What's on my Shelf?] series! So beware: spoilers! At the moment of writing this, I stayed up last night until after the wee hour of 2:00 AM, and then immediately picked the ...
The Oddball
Have you ever felt like you didn't belong? Even in, or especially in, your own family? Would you consider yourself the oddball? I know I do. Compared to my other four siblings, I'm the artist. I'm usually off in my own little world, seeking adventure, "dreamy far off look, nose stuck in a book," ink or paint staining my fingers, mussy long curly hair, big glasses---you get the idea. Then there's the eldest brother. He's probably the only one who could challenge me for my self-imposed ...
Know Thyself: or How I Realised I’m Not a YA Fiction Writer & Can Write in More Than One Genre
Please note: this post may contain affiliate links for products I recommend. If you make a purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Last week, I committed myself to providing consistent content, which will come in either one of two forms: Regular musings of moi;Book reviews. I also committed to publishing said content on a biweekly basis, or every other week. As such---after ...
Where’s Lynn?
Hello, all! It's been a while; more than a while. I should probably take this moment to at least give you a bit of an update. Hubs and I just celebrated two years of marriage last month. (Two years! Can you believe it?!) I've inevitably switched to drinking tea instead of coffee on the regular like the anglophile that I am. Currently, I'm unemployed, and you know how the hubs developed epilepsy in 2020? Well, last year, we found out my sister is narcoleptic. Crazy, right? Thus, what ...
Introduction to Shabbat (and Me!)
Hello! You're either here because you regularly read my blog, or better yet, you're a fellow Pitch Wars applicant like myself participating in their PWPoePrompts for the next month. However you found your way here---welcome! I'm glad you did! As I already said earlier on Twitter, I'm a textbook INFJ, married to my best friend and fellow goofball, and I've been a vegetarian since 23 July 2008, so that's what...13 years? You can read more about me throughout this website or on my about me ...
Etched in Gold
Seven weeks ago, I mailed my wedding ring back to Israel. After wearing it for roughly eighteen months, I had come to finally admit it was too tight. In fact, I had finally reached the point where it was too painful to wear. I learned after meeting with a local jeweler, whoever sized me before we even bought our wedding rings sized me improperly, and I needed one whole size larger! Saddened, I knew the only way I could continue to wear the band I had grown so attached to was to contact the ...
Wind & Fire
I want to be in a place where they paint their roofs and doors and graves the blue of sky. Though it may be to confuse the evil eye, it helps me feel at one with the stars in the heavens above. There is such effortless beauty to be found in that expanse. If my soul is like fire, if I thrive near the palace of sacrifice, then maybe my spirit is like wind, for I need it to breathe, to live. Without wind, there is no fire. To return to such a place brings me back to the beginning, back ...