Please note: this post may contain affiliate links for products I recommend. If you make a purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A few days ago, when speaking with a new friend, she mentioned how her manuscript is not an epic fantasy like Tolkien, but more mild. While I understood her differentiation, her use of Tolkien's works as the litmus to test the intensity of epicness within ...
Upcoming Projects
Know Thyself: or How I Realised I’m Not a YA Fiction Writer & Can Write in More Than One Genre
Please note: this post may contain affiliate links for products I recommend. If you make a purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Last week, I committed myself to providing consistent content, which will come in either one of two forms: Regular musings of moi;Book reviews. I also committed to publishing said content on a biweekly basis, or every other week. As such---after ...
Where’s Lynn?
Hello, all! It's been a while; more than a while. I should probably take this moment to at least give you a bit of an update. Hubs and I just celebrated two years of marriage last month. (Two years! Can you believe it?!) I've inevitably switched to drinking tea instead of coffee on the regular like the anglophile that I am. Currently, I'm unemployed, and you know how the hubs developed epilepsy in 2020? Well, last year, we found out my sister is narcoleptic. Crazy, right? Thus, what ...
Introduction to Shabbat (and Me!)
Hello! You're either here because you regularly read my blog, or better yet, you're a fellow Pitch Wars applicant like myself participating in their PWPoePrompts for the next month. However you found your way here---welcome! I'm glad you did! As I already said earlier on Twitter, I'm a textbook INFJ, married to my best friend and fellow goofball, and I've been a vegetarian since 23 July 2008, so that's what...13 years? You can read more about me throughout this website or on my about me ...
Making Light
Oh, to be in a cabin on a mountainside surrounded by woods, staring out at the morning whilst sipping my coffee... I'm as close to that as I can be in Kansas, sitting instead in front of a computer writing as I take my daily dose of caffeine. At least there are mountains painted on my mug. A thought, err musing, crossed my mind this morning as I laid in bed snoozing since I had the leisure for once. It's something I've puzzled over for quite a while now. I know before I kvetched about the ...