It's official: I'm a published author! I don't know if it really has sunk in yet. The day of the book launch, I had mentioned to my coworker how I had a big event that evening. When she asked what, I didn't cower and mutter some half-baked lie. No, I told her the truth. Of course, like most creatives who constantly compare their level of success to the heavily-publicized, multi-billionaire artists who seem to be famous overnight (never happens that way except in the movies)---I did tell ...
A Small Beginning
Tonight is the night! It's book launch day! I still can't believe something I wrote is actually going to be in a literal, physical book, and people are actually going to read it! I can't even believe I told people and they bought it! Sure, it's not a major book deal with one of the major five publishing houses, nor is it a full-length novel or series. It is after all only a short story within an anthology. Even though this may be a small beginning---one small step for Lynn---it's my step, ...
The time has finally arrived: something I wrote is being published! As some of you may recall, I mentioned how I graduated from a little program where I obtained my certificate in written storytelling through the Story Center in partnership with Metropolitan Community College. What I hinted at, though, and can finally share in full details, is that as a graduate, they will be publishing my short story, which I was required to write as a part of my coursework, through their imprint [Woodneath ...
An Opportunity for Heroism
Read until the end for a special announcement! Life has a funny way of knocking you down as soon as you pick yourself back up. The trick, though, or rather the goal, is to never stop getting back up, no matter how many times you're knocked down. Staying down means giving in, and giving in means accepting failure as your only fate. I realise most of us know this. If anything, I'm ranting to a mirror because this is what my soul needs to be reminded of after what happened last ...
Adventure Awaits
This past weekend---week really---I did a lot of soul searching. Now, before you think I've slipped into some sort of existential crisis (again), let me reassure you that is not the case. (Maybe.) It is no secret that a few months ago I needed to return to a regular eight to five office job again after quitting my last position. Let's just say that the office life is rather....abrasive to my explorer's soul. I loathe being confined to a tiny cubicle for nine hours a day, five days a week. ...