I couldn't keep doing this via twitter. It was too insufficient. Quick summation: there have been what I think to be far too many car accidents occurring on my commutes to work and back home as of late, and I even passed 4 on the same highway on my way into work yesterday. Why the bleeding heck can't people seem to drive like relatively capable humans instead of...(restraining myself from insulting anyone) not. Okay, so picking up where I left off, I found this website which gives us a ...
No One is Alone
I’ve had something on my mind for a while now, but I’m not sure where this musing is going to take me. However, before I begin, let me first say this is purely contemplative. Nothing I’m about to write will be definitive. It could even be discussed, and I am curious what others think. My own thoughts are just one perspective, my observations skewed by my own arbitrary, ontological lenses. That said, I could be wrong, daresay very wrong, about what I’m considering. There are a few themes I ...
What’s on My Shelf: November-December
Well, I've finally finished the last book on my list. That means it must be time for another post! The past two months I've been reading a lot more than just the ones I'll list. I've been diving back into my mythology studies, so I've been focusing on indulging in different collections instead of reading pure novels. However, one anthology I will mention later on just because I'm that excited about it. And remember, SPOILERS AHEAD! Within the Sanctuary of Wings by Marie Brennan As I ...
Star Wars: Generation Musings
I have no idea where this is going to go, nor if I'll be coherent and make a point. Part of that dilemma is probably, mostly due to the fact it's after 2 AM, I'm more tired than I want to admit, but I'm avoiding sleeping because I dread returning to work tomorrow. (Ick.) That said, I've been meaning to write this since I first saw the *ahem* BRILLIANT new Star Wars film, The Last Jedi. This thought I had is actually something which initially came to mind during my first viewing of the ...
An Ode to INTJs
INTJs. They’re known as the stereotypical mysterious, scheming villain; albeit cocky know-it-alls, too. However, those two caricatures (and others) of this type couldn’t be more wrong. The two closest people in my life are INTJs: my sister and my best friend. (I’m also certain my rabbi is too…) As such, I think I know this type rather well. Sure, it might be a biased perspective, but I don’t think these intuitive thinking types get the real, truthful credit they deserve. Too often their ...