Do you know what begins tonight?! Purim! Okay, so I realise some of you may not know what Purim is, which is sad because I think you’re missing out. Purim is first and foremost a Jewish holiday. People describe it as being a cross between Halloween and Mardi Gras, which is somewhat accurate. We dress up in costumes, wear masks, eat these funny-named triangular cookies called Hamantaschen (yum!), and even get ourselves a little tipsy. (Okay, so some of the Rabbis say we should get so ...
All Things Jewish
A Season to Enjoy
Well, I survived. I deserve a t-shirt. Unfortunately, my mind is still a little ferblungered, and thus my musings are not quite so on par. Though, in all actuality, I should not jest too much. I could be verging on sacrilegious, something I’m still not overtly comfortable with. Regardless, I enjoyed myself. I feel refreshed after pouring my soul out like water before Hashem, as the prophet Jeremiah once lamented. And now, it’s time to feast! Seriously, though, besides Chanukkah (yes, ...
Fairy Tales Exist
I want to follow up with expounding on something from yesterday’s post, especially since I know I probably won’t write for a while with the holidays coming. As I have written before, I’ve faced many hardships in life, most of which were tragic, unexpected, and left me coping, alone, in a wake of undue trauma. That’s just my story. I didn’t write it. However, I have the capability of either playing the Leading Lady or taking a back seat like the Best Friend in this tale of Life. I think I ...
Morning Musings
Too much of "Life" is arbitrary. How we define our ontology must have a foundation, or Life is meaningless. "What is real? What is good? What is beauty? What is truth?" — all these questions, not only their answers, are futile if there exists no predetermined construct. That's our problem with G-d: we don't want to have our own lives predetermined, pre-defined for us. We want to find meaning within ourselves. However, if the Scriptures are true, then we cannot find meaning apart from ...
Change: Learning to Embrace the Inevitable
First off, let me start with an apology. I’ve been a little out of touch recently, and it’s all because of one specific reason: I’m moving. Why is a complicated, rather irritating matter. However, I can tell you I’m happy with this change. Very happy indeed. What you don’t know is how shocking of a concept this is. Furthermore, sometimes, such as this time, when I'm experiencing a significant change in my life, I become bizarrely contemplative and introspective, and sometimes I actually take ...