Where was I last week? What's going on with me? What happened to those WOMS I promised? Let's see... Last week I was sick. This week, I'm feeling better, but I woke up dizzy today, so I'm not certain my mind is functioning at full capacity. I'm in the middle of revisions and going cross-eyed from it, but I think it's one of the best decisions I've made (or rather, one of the best responses an agent has ever given me). The vast majority of my energy is being spent on those, which leaves ...
All Things Jewish
A Jerusalem Vignette
We had just finished saying our goodbyes to my visiting aunts. I sauntered out of the hotel, and as I exited, watched a couple emptying out of their vehicle. The man's back faced me as he assisted his, I assumed, wife from the back seat, and upon his silver hair sat an obvious black kippah. Observing more closely, I saw they were dressed in their Shabbas clothes -- he in a suit of black with a white shirt and black tie; she in an elegant, floral pencil skirt with a long-sleeved blouse and ...
My Mementos, His Promises
Three years ago this month, almost to the day, I was in Israel. G-d, how I miss it. I know I've written about it before, multiple times, possibly to an annoying extent. I'm not sorry. Unless you've been to Israel, you may not understand how such a place can change you. Forever. And I think I'll be writing about Israel for just as long, too. Of all the changes which continue to affect me, I believe the greatest of all is the strengthening of my trust in Hashem. Going to ...
After the Death
Two days ago in shul we read about the instructions Hashem gave Aharon for what to do after the untimely death of his two sons, Nadav and Avihu. Two days ago, my coworker unexpectedly, suddenly, prematurely died. It's peculiar because the rabbis always discuss how Aharon was silent in the face of his sons' death. However, I wonder if any of them took into consideration how merciful Hashem's instructions are. At face value, when we read the parasha of Acharei Mot it comes across as a cold, ...
Messy Musings
I've started about 3 different posts which I immediately saved to drafts. Nothing seems to be flowing easily. Maybe it's from eating all that matzah? Maybe it's exhaustion from the holiday and then all this overtime? Maybe it's just the fact some days, some weeks, writing is difficult, and that's when you have to write all the more. That's when you write "harder". I'm sure there's a great metaphor or allegory I could utilise comparing physical exercise, strength building, or whatever ...